Jul 28, 2022
a house being burned down with the ceiling being reduced to framework by the flames

What could be more destructive than a wildfire? A raging inferno sweeping through your neighborhood, destroying homes and belongings – that’s what. You could be one of the lucky ones whose dwelling is spared, but what if you’re not? What if your home is one of the many that succumb to the flames?

Read more: Preventing Wildfires From Destroying Your Home

There are steps you can take to make your home less susceptible to fire damage, and though they may not guarantee that your home will be safe, they will certainly help.

The Ways Wildfires Can Destroy Your Home

Wildfires can destroy your home in several ways. A house may be exposed to a wildfire in three distinct ways: direct flames from a blaze or neighboring home, radiant heat from burning plants or structures, and flying embers. Most homes are destroyed during a fire due to flying embers from the other side of the border.

  • Flames can easily penetrate through vents, windows, doors, and other openings. Once inside, the flames will quickly spread, engulfing the entire house.
  • Intense heat can warp metal, melt glass, and cause other materials to catch fire. Radiant heat is the energy released from a fire in the form of light.
  • Embers can travel long distances and easily ignite anything they come into contact with. If embers enter your home through an open window or door, they can quickly start a fire that will destroy your home.

How to Harden a House for Fire Mitigation

Wildfires can quickly transform your beautiful home into a pile of ashes. But you can take steps to harden your house and make it more resistant to wildfires.

Create a Defensible Space:

Defensible space is an area around your home where there is nothing that can burn. This space serves as a barrier between your home and the wildfire. To create a defensible space, you should clear all vegetation and other flammable materials within 30 feet of your home. It includes dead leaves, branches, and anything else that can burn. You should also clear any vegetation within 100 feet of your home. It will create a buffer zone that will help prevent the fire from reaching your home.

Fire-Resistant Materials:

Using fire-resistant materials, you can also make your home more resistant to wildfires. These materials can help prevent the fire from spreading to your home. Some of these materials include stone, brick, and metal. Maybe you can opt for a metal roof instead of a traditional one. You should also consider replacing your wood siding with a fire-resistant material like stucco.

You can also use fire-resistant paint on your home.

Inspect Your Home Regularly:

You must inspect your home regularly for any potential fire hazards. It includes things like clearing your gutters, chimneys, and vents of any debris. You should also regularly check your electrical wiring and ensure no frayed wires. You should also seal any cracks and openings in your home’s foundation.


Wildfires can quickly get out of hand. Before you find the need to call professionals for fire damage restoration, try fire mitigation techniques to prevent the wildfire from damaging your home in the first place.

G2 Restoration, serving Dallas, Texas, can help you construct defensible space around the house and be there for you if the worst should happen.

Get a free evaluation today!