Feb 14, 2023
Image of calculator, coins and a miniature house

Key Takeaways:

  1. Home insurance premiums differ based on where you live and the age of your home, with the yearly average being $1,200.
  2. Four types of coverage are typically included in standard home insurance: loss-of-use coverage, dwelling coverage, other structures, and personal property coverage.
  3. To help you make sure your house is adequately covered without breaking the bank, here are some tips on how to cut back on home rebuild insurance costs: choose a higher deductible, bundling your policies, review your policy annually, increase your deductible, consider buying used materials, use bundling services, shop around for quotes, and stay up to date on rebuilding codes.
  4. The most obvious way to save money on home rebuild insurance is by simply saving your money.
Read more: How To Bring Down Costs Of An Insured Home Rebuild?

Whether your home has sustained significant damage from a natural disaster or been burglarized and needs extensive repairs, rebuilding costs can quickly add up. If your home is insured, your insurance company will cover some of the expenses, but there are ways to reduce those costs. Here are G2 Restoration’s eight tips for reducing the cost of rebuilding an insured home.

The Homeowner Insurance Cost Is Always on The Hike

Home insurance premiums differ based on where you live and the age of your home, with the yearly average being $1,200. Even though it’s a high cost, keep in mind that you’ll be compensated if something terrible happens to your house. Sometimes, mortgage companies make it mandatory for their borrowers to have a homeowner’s policy.

Types Of Coverage

There are four types of coverage typically included in standard home insurance:

1. Loss-Of-Use Coverage:

This coverage typically pays for alternative accommodations if you can’t live in your home. At the same time, it’s being rebuilt or repaired after an event, such as a natural disaster or fire.

Suppose you live in an area with high rental prices or have another place to stay in an emergency, like a vacation home or relatives nearby. In that case, you may not need as much loss-of-use coverage. Standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover 20% to 30% of your home’s value.

2. Dwelling Coverage:

This insurance covers any damage done to the house. To be fully protected, your insurance should cover the cost of rebuilding your home- starting from the foundation up. In case of a fire or other major disaster that destroys your property, this will allow you to start again from scratch. However, most Americans are unaware of how much coverage they need. According to Nationwide, two-thirds of American homes are underinsured by more than 20%.

Although it might be cheaper in the short term to get a policy that only covers your mortgage, you want to be able to replace everything if an unforeseen event does occur.

3. Other Structures:

This policy section includes any structures on your property that are not attached to the house, like fences, sheds, and detached garages.

4. Personal Property Coverage:

An insurance policy like this would cover lost or damaged belongings inside your house. By downloading this app and taking pictures of your stuff, you can better estimate how much everything is worth.

Office setting with person writing, a keyboard and a miniature house.

Insured Home Rebuild: How to Cut Cost?

Given the current state of the economy, it’s no surprise that homeowners are looking for ways to keep their home insurance costs down. But while this might be a priority, it shouldn’t come at the expense of ensuring your home is adequately insured against disasters like fires, floods, and earthquakes. To help you make sure your house is adequately covered without breaking the bank, here are some tips on how to cut back on home rebuild insurance costs:

1. Choose A Higher Deductible:

One way to reduce your premiums is by increasing the amount you pay out-of-pocket in case of an incident. The higher the deductible you pick, the lower your monthly premium payments will be. It’s important to remember that if you decide to go this route, you should be prepared to pay more in the case of an emergency home rebuild.

2. Bundle Your Policies:

Another way to save on home rebuild insurance costs is by bundling policies with your home insurer. Many home insurers offer discounts to customers who bundle multiple policies, such as life insurance, home, and car insurance. By combining all these policies into one package, you can often get a discounted rate from your home insurer, which could result in considerable savings over the long term.

3. Review Home Insurance Annually:

Taking the time each year to reassess your home rebuild insurance needs and policy can help ensure that you get the best coverage for your buck. Every year or two, look at what home rebuild insurance you currently have and decide if any additional coverage options would benefit you or if other home insurers offer a better rate. Keep an eye out for discounts such as loyalty programs or home security system installation, which could further reduce the cost of home rebuild insurance.

4. Increase Your Deductible:

In exchange for increasing your deductible amount, many home insurers will offer a lower premium on home rebuild insurance. When increasing your deductible, you should always ensure that it is within your means to pay in case something unexpected happens and you need to use your home rebuild insurance policy.

5. Consider Buying Used Materials:

For those undergoing home rebuilding projects, buying used materials to complete the home rebuild can significantly reduce its overall cost. As long as the material functions, buying used may be a great way to save bucks on your home rebuild insurance policy.

6. Use Bundling Services:

Many home insurers offer discounts when you bundle home rebuild insurance with other home-related services such as home security system installation or property management services. Taking advantage of these offers can help reduce the overall cost of your home rebuild insurance policy.

7. Shop Around:

Comparing quotes from different home insurers is always a good idea before choosing a home rebuild insurance policy. Shopping around and comparing home insurance policies from different providers can help you determine which offers the coverage you desire at an affordable price point for your home rebuild.

8. Stay Up to Date on Rebuilding Codes:

Most home insurers require that your home rebuild meets the local building codes for your home insurance policy to remain valid. It is essential to stay updated on any changes in these codes to ensure your home rebuild meets them and continues to be insured at an affordable rate.

Also Read: What You Need to Know: Mold Growth in Heating & Ventilation Systems?

The Best Way Is to Save Your Money!

Yes, the most obvious way to save money on home rebuild insurance is by simply saving your money. Set aside some of your budget towards home rebuild insurance to cover the costs associated with it if something unexpected happens.

Looking For Insurance Rebuilds in Celina? We Can Help!

At G2 Restoration, we are more than just a restoration company–we’re family. And, just like family, when you experience a disaster, we’ll be there for you every step of the way to help reduce stress and anxiety. We excel in insurance rebuilds in Celina and have experienced professionals who will work closely with both you and your insurance company so that your property is returned to its pre-disaster state as soon as possible.

If your home or workplace has been damaged by fire or water, G2 Restoration can help. We’re here to get you back on your feet and rebuild your life. Get a free evaluation today.