May 29, 2023
text reads : how to assess defensible exteriors for fire mitigation?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Wildfire defensible space landscaping is essential to protect homes and yards from potential wildfire risks.
  2. Establishing a buffer zone between structures and surrounding wildland helps control the spread of fire, reducing risks from embers, direct flames, or intense heat radiation.
  3. By January 2023, all homes must contain 100 feet of defensible space – comprised of Zones 1 & 2 – along with Zone 0 (within 5 feet).
  4. Assessing exteriors for defensible space requires creating an ember-resistant zone (Zone 0), ignition-resistant zone (Zone 1), and a Defensible Space Zone that extends 100 feet from the property line. 
  5. Steps for assessing the exterior include: creating fire-resistant zones, sealing windows/doors, installing non-combustible materials on roof/gutters, irrigating vegetation around the home, having emergency supplies ready in case of an evacuation situation, etc.
Read more: How To Assess Defensible Exteriors For Fire Mitigation?

Picture this: a dry summer’s night, the sky full of stars, and an occasional puff of smoke meandering up to touch them. The ominous chirp of crickets pierces the stillness, and the trees surrounding you seem to whisper warnings that something is in danger. You’re standing on your property, watching as advancing flames from a nearby wildfire encroaches on everything you hold dear. Your home, your family—everything is at risk from this mighty force of nature. Sure enough, it’s only through proper planning that you have enabled you to be calm in the face of such terror. That same preparation must extend beyond just having an emergency evacuation plan; after all, what good does it do if your home continues burning despite being away? In today’s blog post, G2 Restoration will explore how one can assess their exteriors for defensible space against wildland fire risks!

Why Is Wildfire-Defensible Space Important?

Wildfire defensible space landscaping is vital to safeguard your home and yard from potential risks. This involves removing highly flammable vegetation and materials around your property without stripping away its beauty. By preserving mindful landscaping strategies and hardscaping elements such as stone walls or pathways, you can effectively prepare for any future threats posed by wildfires.

Establishing a defensible space around your house – in addition to hardening the structure itself – is critical to giving your home the best chance of prevailing against an incoming wildfire. This buffer zone between buildings and surrounding wildland helps control wildfire spread, reducing risks from embers, direct flames, or intense heat radiation. Moreover, it gives firefighters safe conditions as they work to protect your property.

What Are Defensible Space Zones

By January of 2023, the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection will have established a regulation for an additional ember-resistant zone (Zone 0) that is necessary as per Assembly Bill 3074. This bill was passed in 2020, requiring all homes to contain 100 feet of defensible space — comprised of Zones 1 and 2 — along with Zone 0, which must be placed within 5 feet from the residence itself.

For maximum wildfire defense3, begin the fuel management process as close to your home as possible and gradually work outward up to 100 feet or until you reach your property line. Understand that the approach at a closer range may need to be more intense than farther away from the house.

Discussing Defensible Space Zones In Detail

1. Zone 0 – Ember-Resistant Zone

Taking up a 5-foot area from all buildings, structures, and decks is what we call Zone 0. While it isn’t legally necessary to have this ember-resistant zone, science has proven its necessity for defensible space zones. This includes the spaces beneath and around attached decks that require diligent wildfire fuel reduction measures to prevent fires or sparks from igniting materials that could spread toward your home.

2. Zone 1 – Ignition-Resistant Zone

A 30-foot area surrounding all buildings, structures, and decks that’s free from any tall grasses or other wildfire fuel sources is known as the ignition-resistant zone. You should remove flammable vegetation in this zone to eliminate any potential fire spread path to your home. This includes removing all dead plants, leaves, and branches and clearing invasive vegetation or weeds.

3. Zone 2 – Defensible Space Zone

This zone should extend 100 feet from the edge of your property and is also referred to as a “defensible space.” In this area, reduce the potential for fire by taking steps such as creating fuel breaks and keeping trees trimmed. You can do this by trimming tree limbs lower than 6-10 feet above the ground to reduce ladder fuels that could allow a fire to climb up into the treetops and spread throughout your neighborhood. Additionally, consider removing shrubs that are close together to decrease the chances of an intense fire.

In this zone, it’s also essential to create fuel breaks by removing combustible materials such as wood piles, dead vegetation, and debris. This will reduce the potential for an intense ground fire that could cause damage to your home. Additionally, you can use water-resistant landscaping materials like gravel or rock instead of organic mulch to limit the potential for a sizeable combustible material near your home.

Related: 8 Common Fire Safety Violations in Commercial Buildings

Image of hallway with fire extinguisher & hose

Steps For Assessing Defensible Exterior

  1. Start by creating a fire-resistant zone. This zone should extend 5 feet from your home’s exterior and be free of combustible materials such as wood, leaves, and debris.
  2. Ensure all windows & doors are correctly sealed so embers cannot get in. Additionally, check to ensure that any vents in the house have proper mesh screens installed to prevent tiny embers from entering the home.
  3. Ensure your roof is made of non-combustible material like tile or metal instead of wood shingles or shakes, which can quickly burn during a fire event. If you have overhanging tree branches near your roof line, trim them back 5 feet from your home.
  4. Inspect and maintain your gutters and downspouts to ensure they are debris-free. Gutters and downspouts should be able to disperse water away from home during a fire event.
  5. Make sure you have an irrigation system that can keep vegetation around your house moist, as this will help prevent embers from igniting a blaze near your home’s exterior walls or eaves.
  6. Install any necessary tools such as fire extinguishers, shovels, hoses, or other supplies that might be helpful in case of a fire emergency near your home’s exterior.
  7. Insulate your home using fire-resistant materials, such as fiberglass insulation or rock wool.
  8. Place non-combustible barriers such as sandbags or rocks in areas around the exterior of your home where there is potential for a wildfire to reach it. This will provide an extra layer of protection for your home and help limit its flame exposure.
  9. Make sure you have an emergency plan to know what steps you need to take if a wildfire is approaching your property. Have an evacuation plan ready and keep essential documents such as insurance policies and birth certificates in a safe spot away from the house in case they’re needed during an evacuation.

Quick & Reliable Fire Mitigation Services In Allen

G2 Restoration is devoted to keeping your home, property, and loved ones safe from the ravages of wildland fires in Allen. Our team has extensive experience crafting defensible spaces that give you a fighting chance against wildfire destruction. We recognize that each home’s needs vary, so we craft our solutions to cater to your situation – ensuring maximum security!

If you’re from an area frequently affected by wildfires, reach out to us and learn how we can help establish a secure, defensible space for your family. Get a free evaluation today.